Tired of Cold Water in the Shower? Let Water Heater Repair Fix That
At Andrew’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we know how annoying it can be to have cold water in your shower—trust us, we don’t enjoy it either. After all, when you want to relax and let the water calm you, there’s no better way to put a damper on your expectations than to have cold water splash you in the face, making you tense up and erasing any sort of relaxation. If you are serious about enjoying the hot water again, you need to seek out water heater repair as soon as possible.
While the lack of hot water is just one sign that you need water heater repair, there are others that you can look for if you suspect that your water heater may be experiencing issues. Some of these signs include things such as:
- Water that is rust-coloured instead of clear
- Strange noises
- Water on the floor surrounding the water heater
- The age of your water heater